Posted by: johnocunningham | March 2, 2021


New Writing Adventures

As of March 2021, I began focusing my writing energy on the development of new books and blogs that will cover a number of subjects when completed, some fun and some serious, and most having nothing to do with the practice of law or the legal industry. As a result, I am no longer working with law firms and other professional service providers and enterprises on content creation for the web or print media.

Speaking and Consulting Engagements

However, I am still available for speaking and consulting engagements regarding the topics I have covered for many years as a writer and reporter, as well as topics about which I am knowledgeable due to my experience as a former general counsel and chief legal officer.

New Business Development Training Program

I have also collaborated with a long-time friend and colleague to create a unique business development training program that engages lawyers in simulated mock meetings with their most coveted real-life prospective client targets. We launched the program last spring, and it received outstanding reviews that we hope to be posting online soon.

Thank You to My Clients and Colleagues

As I enter this new and likely final phase of my career, I would like to thank all of the many clients I have been privileged to serve as a writer and content creator. I would also like to thank all of the wonderful people I have met through that work, including my wonderful referral sources and friends, particularly the members of my “gang” who remain very dear to my heart. I will keep you all updated on the next iterations of my work, which I look forward to sharing with you over time.

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